Franklin Parks & Recreation Department
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Franklin Greenway Trail Rules & Regulations

Be Courteous to Other Trail Users
Keep to the right and pass on the left. Faster traffic must always yield to slower traffic and oncoming users.
Give an Audible Warning When Passing
Give a clear warning signal when approaching from behind.
Do Not Block the Trail
Never use more than half of the trail to prevent blocking other users.
Obey Signs
Always stop for traffic at roadways and intersections.
Clean Up Your Litter
Please keep the trail clean for other users to enjoy. Do not leave glass, paper, cans or other debris on or near the trail.
Trail Etiquette for Dog Owners
All trail users should bear to the right to allow passing, but dog owners should be especially mindful of this with respect to leash extension. Please keep control of your dog. If your dog must relieve itself, please move off-trail if possible. On grass, or pavement, please pick up and dispose of your pet’s solid waste. If provided, use “pet stations” for plastic bags and trash receptacle, or bring your own materials.
Prohibited Uses of the Trail
Motorized vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, golf carts, snowmobiles and ATV’s are prohibited. Motorized wheelchairs, mobility scooters and children’s play cars are allowed. Unauthorized vehicles should be reported to the police.
Show Respect
Respect the privacy of adjacent landowners and do not enter their property. Those responsible for defacing or damaging trail property will be prosecuted.
Please report any vandalism or unsafe conditions to:
Franklin Parks and Recreation Department, 317-736-3689