Franklin Parks & Recreation Department
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Dog Park Membership Rules & Etiquette

Province Park – Dog Park
Please do not allow unacceptable or irresponsible behavior to ruin the experience of other users.  Province Park – Dog Park strives to provide a fun environment for owners and their dogs.  By using this park, users must understand that they assume all responsibility and liability for the risks of unleashing their dog(s) in this facility.  Province Park – Dog Park is not a supervised facility.  Users therefore are required to abide by the rules and etiquette at all times while on the premises.  Owners and individuals accompanying them use the facility entirely at their own risk and that of their dogs.  The future of this facility and others like it depends on members behaving responsibly and obeying the rules.  Canines and their owners are expected to behave with common courtesy and respect for the property as well as other park users.  We realize that owner socialization is a great added value to the experience, but please remember that the dog owner’s first priority is the proper supervision of his/her dog.
Province Park – Dog Park Rules
  1. NO children under 12 years of age. NO rawhide, food, glass containers or smoking is allowed the Dog Park.
  2. All dogs must bear a permanent ID (collar tag or microchip) and display a current membership tag while inside the Province Park – Dog Park. Membership tags may be purchased at the Recreation Center located at 396 Branigin Boulevard, Franklin, IN.
  4. All member dogs must have current shots for Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, Bordetella and all other vaccinations as required by law. Rabies tags must be worn and displayed by all dogs at all times.
  5. Dogs known to exhibit vicious, aggressive, or dangerous behavior are not permitted at any time. Dogs showing signs of aggression must be immediately leashed and removed from the park.
  6. Dog, owners and users creating a disturbance or violating posted rules MUST leave the Province Park – Dog Park is requested by City personnel or their designated agents.
  7. Dogs must be leashed before entering and exiting the Province Park – Dog Park. ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE GATES ARE PROPERLY CLOSED BEHIND YOU.  Let your dog off the leash between the first and second gate, so that your dog enters the park unleashed.  Properly leash your dog(s) before exiting the Dog Park.  CHECK ALL EXITS BEFORE UNLEASHING YOUR DOG.
  8. Spaying and neutering is recommended.
  9. Dog owners must ALWAYS have a leash in hand for each dog they bring to the park.
  10. Dogs in heat are not permitted in the Province Park – Dog Park.
  11. No more than three (3) dogs per owner/handler are permitted at any time.
  12. Dogs under four (4) months of are not permitted.
  13. Owners are legally responsible for their dogs and injuries caused by them.
  14. Dogs must be supervised and under voice command at all times.
  15. ALWAYS CLEAN UP after you dog and any other waste you find. Trash receptacles and disposal bags are available.
  16. Dogs that bark persistently are a nuisance and should be removed.
  17. Dogs are the only type of animals permitted inside the Province Park – Dog Park.
  18. Agility equipment is strictly intended for use by dogs only. No humans allowed on the agility equipment.
  19. The maximum number of dogs permitted within the Province Park – Dog Park at any given time is 50.
  20. The City of Franklin reserves the right to close the park as needed, without notice, for maintenance and repairs.
  21. The Franklin Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to revoke Province Park – Dog Park privileges for violating any of the rules set forth herein. Any member whose privileges are revoked forfeits any and all fees paid.
I attest that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, and that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the above outlined rules of the Province Park – Dog Park.